14th San Francisco Cup International Regatta for Nordic Folkboats
Inbjudan till San Francisco Cup har äntligen inkommit! Det här är ett riktigt Folkbåtseldorado.
Om du är intresserad, kontakta mig! Om det blir för många sökande, så prioriterar vi på följande sätt.
0) Seglaren skall vara känd Folkbåtsseglare
1) Seglare som inte varit i San Francisco och seglat förut har företräde
Seglarhälsningar, Donald Bratt
Inbjudan på engelska nedan:
Hello Swedish Folkboaters-
The San Francisco Bay Folkboat Association invites the Svenska Folkbatsforbundet to participate in the 14th San Francisco Cup International Regatta for Nordic Folkboats to be held September 18-24, 2011, at the Corinthian Yacht Club, Tiburon, California. (www.cyc.org)
We have invited teams from the Folkboat fleets in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Finland. We will have approximately 20 competitive Folkboats on the line for the regatta. Each invited fleet has the responsibility of choosing the qualification method for their sailors.
Two (2) of the boats will be available for Swedish teams. Visiting skippers will draw a boat at the beginning of the regatta that they will sail in all races. In addition, we will accept as an entrant any member of a Nordic Folkboat one design racing fleet who brings his/her own boat. He/she, however, must be sanctioned by his/her fleet.
Races will take place at several different Bay venues. The variety of locations will give visiting sailors an opportunity to experience all parts of San Francisco Bay. There will be a “tune-up race” and 7 competitive races, with one throw-out. In addition, CYC and SFBFA are planning a number of social activities beginning with an opening ceremony and ending with an awards dinner on Saturday night.
We ask that the Swedish fleet commit to sending teams for the boats reserved for you by the end of February 2011. At that time, if any of the fleets does not commit to sending teams for all boats reserved, any uncommitted boat will then become available for another country. We realize that you may not know which individual sailors will be coming to San Francisco by February, but it will be important for us to know if you will be participating.
We will offer the hospitality of our homes to visiting sailors and their families, or we will assist them with finding accommodations.
We plan to publish the Notice of Race on our website (www.sfbayfolkboats.org) early in 2011.
We hope you can join us in San Francisco in 2011!
Datum: Söndagen den 20 mars 2011, 10:01:15 Namn: Donald Bratt E-post: donaldb@algonet.se Nummer: 75
Anmälningstiden för seglingarna i San Francisco har nu gått ut. Organisationskommittén i San Francisco hörsammade Sveriges önskemål att få skicka tre besättningar istället för planerade två. Dessa är; Team Bratt (F-SWE-1358), Team Jarfelt (F-SWE-1303) och Team Svensson (F-SWE-1307).
Det finns ett antal besättningsplatser obesatta i teamen. Om du är intresserad av att stå till förfogande, hör av dig till mig.
Hälsningar, Donald
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Pär B
Etiketter: san francisco